Saturday, November 1, 2014


We might live in a trailer (love calling it that), but my dad loves to say that we live in a high security gated community with million dollar homes surrounding us. This is literally and accurately very true.

We are the hillbillies of this set up. My dad lives a few "blocks" up from us in his motor home, which is much nicer than ours. Anyway.

On the weekends, Ryan sticks to his grandpa like gum on a shoe. Last night, he rode home with my dad after trick or treating. They had themselves a boy sleepover, which most likely included falling asleep to some violent super hero movie.

As usual, my dad woke up at dark thirty to go running and hit the gym. He left Ryan sound asleep. At 9am, Ryan burst through our door and declared "Holy smokes! It is FREEZING out there! Do you have any idea how cold it is? I just ran here from grandpa's house in my underwear, t shirt, and sneakers [carrying his Superman costume and bag of candy from last night]. No one saw me until the very end. Our neighbor down there in the Dutch Star saw me. That was embarrassing."

Oh the visual. Cutest kid, half naked, freezing, and hauling buns across a community filled with the wealthy elderly. My two kids are the only ones here. We stick out like sore thumbs.
Loving our adventure.

Superman and Elsa, posing in front of our neighbor's Dutch Star

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